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The Jam

The Jam The Gift

The Gift

The Gift by The Jam on the Polydor label:

UK CD Album Reissue Remastered (EDC)
1: Happy Together : 2:51
2: Ghosts : 2:12
3: Precious : 4:14
4: Just Who Is The 5 O'Clock Hero? : 2:15
5: Trans-Global Express : 4:00
6: Running On The Spot : 3:06
7: Circus : 2:12
8: Planner's Dream Goes Wrong : 2:19
9: Carnation : 3:29
10: Town Called Malice : 2:55
11: Gift : 3:08

Condition: EXC
Label: Polydor
Label Catalogue Number: 537 422-2
Format: CD

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