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David Liptak

David Liptak Dove Songs

Dove Songs

Dove Songs by David Liptak on the Navona Records label:

U.S. CD Album from 2019
: Dove Songs (2014)
1. Refrain 4:07
2. The Snow King 2:57
3. Catherine Of Alexandria 2:54
4. Beauty And The Beast 2:48
5. Catherine Of Siena 2:18
6. Flirtation 1:44
Impromptus (2016)
7. Rhapsodic 3:44
8. Lyrical 3:33
9. Quick And Agile 2:27
The Sighs (2015)
10. Picasso's Blue Guitar 3:31
11. Les Soupirs 2:22
12. The Unicorn 2:33
13. Idée Fixe 2:41
14. Beautiful Dreamer 3:00
15. Memory's Persistence 2:30
16. Petite Reprise 2:57
Sonata For Cello And Piano
17. Lontano 8:10
18. Caccia 4:33

Condition: EXC
Label: Navona Records
Label Catalogue Number: fcr224
Format: CD
