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Zeni Geva & Steve Albini

Zeni Geva & Steve Albini  Maximum Implosion

Maximum Implosion
cd cd

Maximum Implosion by Zeni Geva & Steve Albini on the Cold Spring ‎ label:

Remastered Reissue -
Nai Ha
1-1: Auto-Body 6:09
1-2: Shirushi 5:19
1-3: Intercourse 2:31
1-4: Angel 4:02
1-5: Nai Ha 7:26
1-6:Terminal Hz 6:36
Bonus Tracks:
1-7: Kettle Lake 4:56
1-8: Painwise 5:15
All Right, You Little Bastards!
2-1: I Want You 4:18
2-2: New Flesh 2:33
2-3: Auto-Body 3:39
2-4: Godflesh 4:42
2-5: Guystick Bodie 3:05
2-6: A Piece Of Angel 1:55
2-7: Kettle Lake 4:26
2-8: Painwise 4:35
2-9: Total Castration 3:13
2-10: Bigman Death 3:42
2-11: The Model 2:26
2-12: I Hate You 7:57

Condition: New
Label: Cold Spring ‎
Label Catalogue Number: CSR260CD
Format: 2xCD
