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Various The Lark (Shaw's Original Film Sound Track)

The Lark (Shaw's Original Film Sound Track)
vinyl record

The Lark (Shaw's Original Film Sound Track) by Various on the Phoenix label:

Singapore LP -
A1: Ku Mei - The One In My Heart
A2: Ku Mei - The Girls In The Alishan
A3: Ku Mei - By The Riverside
A4: Ku Mei - The Empty Dream
A5: Mye Yun - Dancing To Cha Cha
A6: Lan Ti - The Harvest
A7: Ku Mei - The Lark
B1: Ku Mei - Dew Drop
B2: Ku Mei - The Cherry-Apple
B3: S.K. Poon - Lover's Tears
B4: Ku Mei - Love Without End
B5: Mona Fong - The Wedding

Condition: EXC
Label: Phoenix
Label Catalogue Number: LOHKX-301
Format: LP
