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UNKLE  Where Did The Night Fall

Where Did The Night Fall
cd cd

Where Did The Night Fall by UNKLE on the Surrender All ‎ label:

Limited edition box set including album with instrumentals disc, booklet and an additional 32 page board book -
Where Did The Night Fall
1-1: Nowhere 0:41
1-2: Follow Me Down 4:23
1-3: Natural Selection 4:11
1-4: Joy Factory 3:59
1-5: The Answer 4:41
1-6: On A Wire 4:53
1-7: Falling Stars 5:49
1-8: Heavy Drug 1:13
1-9: Caged Bird 5:08
1-10: Ablivion 4:30
1-11: The Runaway 3:46
1-12: Ever Rest 4:21
1-13: The Healing 4:27
1-14: Another Night Out 5:12
Where Did The Night Fall - Instrumentals
2-1: Nowhere (Instrumental) 4:10
2-2: Follow Me Down (Instrumental) 4:44
2-3: Natural Selection (Instrumental) 4:12
2-4: Joy Factory (Instrumental) 3:58
2-5: The Answer (Instrumental) 4:39
2-6: On A Wire (Instrumental) 4:49
2-7: Falling Stars (Instrumental) 5:50
2-8: Heavy Drug (Instrumental) 4:24
2-9: Caged Bird (Instrumental) 5:02
2-10: Ablivion (Instrumental) 4:32
2-11: The Runaway (Instrumental) 3:50
2-12: Ever Rest (Instrumental) 4:22
2-13: The Healing (Instrumental) 4:29
2-14: Another Night Out (Instrumental) 5:10

Condition: EXC
Label: Surrender All ‎
Label Catalogue Number: SURR017CDX
Format: 2xCD
