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Suzanne Ciani

Suzanne Ciani Lixiviation Ciani/Musica Inc. 1969-1985

Lixiviation Ciani/ Musica Inc. 1969-1985

Lixiviation Ciani/Musica Inc. 1969-1985 by Suzanne Ciani on the Finders Keepers Records ‎ label:

1. Lixiviation 4:12
2. Atari Video Games Logo 0:07
3. 'Clean Room' ITT TV Spot 0:56
4. Almay 'Eclipse' TV Spot 0:29
5. Paris 1971 6:51
6. Sound Of A Dream Hissing 0:52
7. Atari Corporate Tag 0:12
8. Princess With Orange Feet 3:29
9. 'Pop & Pour' Coca-Cola Logo 0:07
10. 'Discover Magazine' TV Spot 0:22
11. Live Buchla Concert 1975 1:48
12. 'Inside Story' PBS TV Spot 0:23
13. 'Liberator' Atari TV Spot 0:30
14. Eighth Wave 3:33
15. Second Breath 9:04
16. Sound Of Wetness 1:19

Condition: New
Label: Finders Keepers Records ‎
Label Catalogue Number: FKR053CD
Format: CD
