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Steve Hillage

Steve Hillage  Green

vinyl record

Green by Steve Hillage on the Virgin ‎ label:

Original UK Pressing from 1978 on black vinyl - V 2098 -
Green Rock
A1: Sea-Nature 6:43
A2: Ether Ships 5:02
A3: Musick Of The Trees 4:53
A4: Palm Trees (Love Guitar) 5:19
OM Rock
B1: Unidentified (Flying Being) 4:30
B2: U.F.O. Over Paris 3:11
B3: Leylines To Glassdom 4:06
B4: Crystal City 3:36
B5: Activation Meditation 1:03
B6: The Glorious Om Riff 7:46

Condition: EXC
Label: Virgin ‎
Label Catalogue Number: V 2098
Format: LP
