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Ragni, Rado, MacDermot

Ragni, Rado, MacDermot DisinHAIRited

vinyl record

DisinHAIRited by Ragni, Rado, MacDermot on the RCA ‎ label:

UK pressing from 1970 with gatefold sleeve -
A1: One Thousand Year-Old Man
A2: So Sing The Children On The Avenue
A3: Manhattan Beggar
A4: Sheila Franklin/Reading The Writing
A5: Washing The World
A6: Exanaplanatooch
A7: Hello There
A8: Mr. Berger
A9: I'm Hung
A10: Climax
B1: Electric Blues
B2: I Dig
B3: Going Down
B4: You Are Standing On My Bed
B5: The Bed
B6: Mess O'Dirt
B7: Dead End
B8: Oh Great God Of Power
B9: Eyes Look Your Last/Sentimental Ending

Condition: EXC
Label: RCA ‎
Label Catalogue Number: SF 8097
Format: LP
