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Philip Glass And Foday Musa Suso

Philip Glass And Foday Musa Suso  Music From The Screens

Music From The Screens

Music From The Screens by Philip Glass And Foday Musa Suso on the POINT Music label:

1. The Mad Cadi's Court 2:26
2. Leila Dies 1:48
3. Said And His Shadow Dance 2:49
4. Decorating The Dummies 2:19
5. Warda's Whorehouse 2:45
6. The French Lieutenant Dreams 2:11
7. The Arab Women Lament 2:47
8. Land Of The Dead 3:26
9. Ansatou 2:38
10. 19th Century France 1:36
11. Said's Treason 3:00
12. The Orchard 7:09
13. The Village 2:02
14. Prison Song 1:15
15. Suso's Song 2:39
16. France 1:52
17. Night On The Balcony 2:02
18. North Africa - 1962 4:09

Condition: EXC
Label: POINT Music
Label Catalogue Number: 432 966-2
Format: CD
