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Owen Pallett

Owen Pallett Heartland


Heartland by Owen Pallett on the Domino label:

CD Album , released 2010
1: Midnight Directives : 3:36
2: Keep The Dog Quiet : 3:10
3: Mount Alpentine : 0:49
4: Red Sun No. 5 : 3:41
5: Lewis Take Action : 2:54
6: The Great Elsewhere : 5:50
7: Oh Heartland, Up Yours! : 4:07
8: Lewis Takes Off His Shirt : 5:08
9: Flare Gun : 2:21
10: E Is For Estranged : 5:25
11: Tryst With Mephistopheles : 6:53
12: What Do You Think Will Happen Now? : 2:38

Condition: EXC
Label: Domino
Label Catalogue Number: WIGCD252
Format: CD
