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Mono Formica Blues / Advance Album

Formica Blues / Advance Album

Formica Blues / Advance Album by Mono on the Echo ‎ label:

Cardboard promo of their album 'Formica Blues', here named 'Advance Album'. Featuring a short promo text and some of the final album’s drawings inside, but no credits.-
1. Life In Mono 4:29
2. Silicone 4:30
3. Slimcea Girl 4:25
4. The Stranger In You 5:06
5. Disney Town 4:06
6. The Blind Man 5:23
7. High Life 5:29
8. Playboys 6:41
9. Penguin Freud 6:21
10. Hello Cleveland! 6:33

Condition: EXC
Label: Echo ‎
Label Catalogue Number:
Format: CD
