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Marianne Faithfull

Marianne Faithfull  Marianne Faithfull

Marianne Faithfull
vinyl record

Marianne Faithfull by Marianne Faithfull on the Philips ‎ label:

Dutch compilation from 1983 -
A1: This Little Bird 2:00
A2: Yesterday 2:14
A3: Sunny Goodge Street 3:14
A4: Coquillages 3:37
A5: Blowin' In The Wind 3:05
A6: Counting 2:52
B1: Come And Stay With Me 2:21
B2: Monday Monday 3:03
B3: Summer Nights 1:47
B4: What Have I Done Wrong 1:51
B5: Go Away From My World 2:30
B6: Sister Morphine 5:26

Condition: VG
Label: Philips ‎
Label Catalogue Number: 810 228-1
Format: LP
