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Lydia Lunch

Lydia Lunch  Drowning - In Limbo

Drowning - In Limbo

Drowning - In Limbo by Lydia Lunch on the Atavistic label:

U.S. CD Compilation on Atavistic from 1995 -
The Drowning Of Lucy Hamilton
1. Emerald Pale Has Disappeared 5:20
2. The Drowning 1:47
3. How Men Die In Their Sleep 2:24
4. Lucy's Lost Her Head Again 3:23
5. 3:20 Thursday Morning 3:34
6. A Quiet Night Of Murder In Greenwich, CT 3:02
In Limbo
7. I Wish... I Wish 5:24
8. Friday Afternoon 4:11
9. 1000 Lies 4:49
10. Some Boys 4:49
11. Still Burning 6:02
12. What Did You Do 6:12

Condition: EXC
Label: Atavistic
Label Catalogue Number: ALP52
Format: CD
