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Lychgate  An Antidote For The Glass Pill

An Antidote For The Glass Pill

An Antidote For The Glass Pill by Lychgate on the Blood Music label:

1. Unto My Tempest 3:13
2. Davamesque B2 7:10
3. I Am Contempt 4:55
4. A Principle On Seclusion 5:04
5. Letter XIX 6:38
6. Deus Te Videt 4:06
7. The Illness Named Imagination 4:47
8. An Acousmatic Guardian 4:45
9. My Fate To Burn Forever 6:12
10. The Pinnacle Known To Sisyphus 2:58

Condition: EXC
Label: Blood Music
Label Catalogue Number: BLOOD-117
Format: CD
