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Haydn Symphonies Nos 6, 7 & 8

Symphonies Nos 6, 7 & 8

Symphonies Nos 6, 7 & 8 by Haydn on the Hyperion label:

1. Sym No.6 in D ('Le Matin'): Adagio - Allegro
2. Sym No.6 in D ('Le Matin'): Adagio
3. Sym No.6 in D ('Le Matin'): Menuet
4. Sym No.6 in D ('Le Matin'): Finale: Allegro
5. Sym No.7 in C ('Le Midi'): Adagio - Allegro
6. Sym No.7 in C ('Le Midi'): Recitativo: Adagio
7. Sym No.7 in C ('Le Midi'): Menuetto
8. Sym No.7 in C ('Le Midi'): Finale: Allegro
9. Sym No.8 in G ('Le Soir'): Allegro Molto
10. Sym No.8 in G ('Le Soir'): Andante
11. Sym No.8 in G ('Le Soir'): Menuetto
12. Sym No.8 in G ('Le Soir'): La Tempesta: Presto

Condition: EXC
Label: Hyperion
Label Catalogue Number: CDA 66523
Format: CD
