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Grandaddy The Sophtware Slump

The Sophtware Slump

The Sophtware Slump by Grandaddy on the V2 label:

European CD Album from 2000
1: He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's The Pilot :
2: Hewlett's Daughter :
3: Jed The Humanoid :
4: The Crystal Lake :
5: Chartsengrafs :
6: Underneath The Weeping Willow :
7: Broken Household Appliance National Forest :
8: Jed's Other Poem (Beautiful Ground) :
9: E. Knievel Interlude (The Perils Of Keeping It Real) :
10: Miner At The Dial-A-View :
11: So You'll Aim Toward The Sky :

Condition: EXC
Label: V2
Label Catalogue Number: VVR1012252
Format: CD
