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DJ 6666 Feat. The Illegals

DJ 6666 Feat. The Illegals  Death Breathing

Death Breathing

Death Breathing by DJ 6666 Feat. The Illegals on the Digital Hardcore Recordings (DHR) ‎ label:

1. Dead Nation 5:06
2. She-Rape 5:10
3. Steel Cum (Cause I'm Rough) 7:33
4. Welcome To The Shit Generation 4:03
5. Acids Not Enough 4:08
6. The Global Holocaust 6:17
7. Zion Battles / The Dope 4:26
8. 6666 Girls 7:31
9. Slow Drive 1:24
10. Death Breathing 6:59

Condition: VG
Label: Digital Hardcore Recordings (DHR) ‎
Label Catalogue Number: DHR CD 12
Format: CD
