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Alex Tiuniaev

Alex Tiuniaev  Blurred


Blurred by Alex Tiuniaev on the Heat Death Records ‎ label:

1. The Kids And The Rain 3:21
2. Daylight 3:12
3. We Were All Fishes Once 3:27
4. I Can Feel Again 3:15
5. Lost In Tokyo 3:29
6. Green And White 3:54
7. Faded Photographs 1:56
8. The Wild Winds Weep 1:43
9. Um Langan Aldur 3:35
10. The Human Abstract 1:45
11. Origins 11:56
12. Merry Christmas Once Again 3:06
13. Dark And Gloomy Clouds Hung Low Over Exeter 4:33
14. The King 4:11

Condition: New
Label: Heat Death Records ‎
Label Catalogue Number: HEAT027
Format: CD
